Documentation and Online Training

Entrance Animations

Entrance Animations: How to Create Entrance Animations for Text, Images or Widgets
The SEO Design Framework features entrance animations are proudly powered by animate.css by Dan Eden.
On any given SDF Builder Module there's an option under entrance animation which includes a drop down, a list of animations and their duration. While the default position is no, if you select an entrance animation, simply save your changes to the module and set the duration of the animation and when you load the page the entrance animation engages (when you scroll).

If default animation is selected when you add your animation, the framework will pull from the SEO Design Framework's first tab in the Global Settings. To adjust the default animation's duration sitewide / globally, proceed to SEO Design > Global Settings > Entrance Animations > then set the default animation duration and save changes.

Use the dropdown to change the duration of the default entrance animation.
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